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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Técnica de la siembra de semillas: La semilla

  Técnica de la siembra de semillas: La semilla técnica escogida de la Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia tierra YG y fácilmente se suelta y el riego de fácil drenaje se controla fácilmente así: azada la tierra a una profundidad de 20-30 cm, mientras que limpia de malas hierbas, rocas y árboles de Residuos y otros objetos duros. Entonces cortado en tierra suelta y el maquillaje surcos bedang tamaño de un hombre de 1-1,5 m de anchura y altura de unos 30 cm, longitud adaptada a un amplio campo de césped / de arroz. Pero lo ideal Embankment aproximadamente 10 m de largo, con la dirección longitudinal de norte a sur, por lo que conseguir un montón de sol, incluso cuando se les da el toldo, la distancia entre los surcos de 30 cm y para aumentar la fertilidad puede ser abono verde, abono / estiércol maduro me-downs y semillas listos para ser incorporado. Además de a través del proceso de germinación de la semilla también puede directamente en el suelo-suelo ditunggalkan me-downs completaron, para preparar mejor a la base del árbol a través del proceso de la germinación, las semillas se plantan en el suelo, el suelo YG está a 10 X 10 cm después de brotar y edades 1-1 , 5 meses y ya brotaron hojas aproximadamente 2-3 piezas de la semilla puede ser transferido desde el suelo para el cultivo semillero del suelo.
     Conservación y Reproducción / siembra: semillas berkecambang Después 1-1,5 meses de edad y se ha regado por la tarde por la mañana, después de haber transferido a la tierra de vivero de plántulas de riego suficiente 1 hora cada mañana para el día subiendo por el ojo Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesia , el uso de "sentado" por lo que de manera uniforme y no destructivos Terraplén y agua operado pueden penetrar a una profundidad de 3-4 cm de la superficie. Entonces no pendangiran Embankment para permanecer sueltos y hacerse cada 2-3 semanas, pasto crecido alrededor de él así que escardadas, evitar el ataque de plagas y enfermedades, hasta la edad de alrededor de 1 año semillero vicaria por nuevos árboles entonces se puede especificar con pengokulasian Fokkert sistema-me-downs ejecutadas previamente YG hojas dirontokkan en un árbol de la celebración lo que se ha seleccionado la piel del ojo y después de haber preparado un lugar para el implante ocular para la piel del ojo es la piel que crece brotes, después de los brotes iniciales en un árbol de la celebración de lo que se ha podado, injertado, a continuación, tratar con riego 2 veces al día y mendangir y limpiar el césped existente eliminados, y también se le puede dar 10 gramos de urea por 1 a 25 cultivos rambután.
     Trasplantar las plántulas: Cómo transferir lo que se ha germinado semillas o injerto o diokulasi capaz de desenterrar / plástico de desbloqueo pegado en los medios de cultivo por cuidado no sea que las raíces se encuentre dañada y penyungkilan hace unos 5 cm y para crecer más raíces entonces vistos en el cultivo Ride raíces se recortan un poco para mantener el ancho de la evaporación de la hoja luego se corta por la mitad y pedazos pegados dejaron razón YG si JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA rve como recomendaciones de comida antes de que puedan recibir alimentos de la nueva fachada. & Nursery plantado en surcos a una distancia de 30-40 cm y cubierta con techo inclinado montado más alto en el Este espera hacer muchos más puntos rayos de la mañana de hoy.

Friday, June 20, 2014


ECHNOLOGY GOYNTA Longan FOR ALL TIMES Technology Mulkiilaha beeraha Indonesia · Updated sannad ka hor Prospects KelengkengBuah longan JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA eega leh size khudrad ah oo marmar ah waxaa loo habeeyo on malainya. Waxa uu maqaarka waa bunni madow leh xoogaa dusha berbintil-nodule. Jidhka cad oo qabiil-biyood leh. Dhadhanka Aad u macaan caraf ah ee kala duwan. Abuurkii la wareega yihiin, kana kooban labo xabbo, iyo maqaar digirta madow. Hilibka ayaa lafteedu waa abuur cad oo, ay ku jiraan carbohydrates, yar oo saliid ah, iyo saponins. Waxaan leenahay karo geed longan gaarka ah ee aad Backyard ama in dheriyo. Haddii aad leedahay qof qaraabo ah oo uu leeyahay geedka longan ah, maaddooyinka ama waxaad weydiin kartaa xoogaa yar oo ay laamo ku lifaaqan dhirta kale. Haddii aan, aad ku beeri kara abuurka ah. Geedo Maqaar dhali doontaa miraha ee sanadka 2 ama 3, halka geedka oo ka mid ah abuurka cusub ee dhali doontaa miraha goor hore sanad 7. Gooyn Tree ay yihiin kuwo aad u nugul rabshooyin jireed, sida dabaysha, sababtoo ah nooca macdantaa oo xidid, ka duwan dhirta oo laga soo abuur in noocee ah fuushan oo xididdada. Marka baaluq, longan geedka noqon kartaa mid aad isqurxhiso ku daray hawo on page guriga sida awoodaha ay photosynthetic.
Inkastoo bilowga longan noolaan karaan oo kaliya in buuraleyda ah, ka dib markii iyada oo loo marayo nidaamka sargoynta, waqtigaan ee longan sidoo kale ku noolaan karaan in dhulka hoose waxay bilaabeen sare ah ee 200 mitir ka sarreysaa oogada badda. Waxay qaadataa jawi qoyan in geedaha longan si caadi ah u koraan, ie roobab laga bilaabo 1500-3000 mm sanadkii, iyo muddo 9-12 bisha lagu jiro wakhtiyada qoyan iyo qalalan ah 2-4 bilood. Haddii aad ku nooshahay aag oo qalalan berperiode in ka badan 4 bilood, waxaan u muu JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAqata Habacsanaan karaa by xaaqi lahaa biyo dheeraad ah.
Haddii aad jeclaan lahayd abuurka longan waxaan beeray kori shaqsi ku cusub, waxaa jira waxyaabo dhowr ah si ay u eegaan. Abuur Longan waayi doonaa awoodda ay u koraan 1-2 toddobaad gudahood ka dib markii la soocaa midhaha, sidaas waxaa lagu talinayaa sameeyo wax yar ka dib abuurto miraha iyo saxarka kala soocan yihiin. Qoto dheer Ciid beeritaanka waxaa lagu talinayaa + 2 cm, haddii aan, ka dibna koritaanka abuur ah in la carqaladeeyey doonaa. Soo socda wuxuu ka dhici doonaa habka biqilka qaadataa 7-10 maalmood.
Geed Longan sida caadiga ah monoecious, taas oo uu leeyahay ubaxa hermaphroditic (lab iyo dhedig) ee geed. Laakiin waxaa jira sidoo kale waa geed longan in guursaday labada, taas oo uu leeyahay oo kaliya ubax rag ama dumar ah. Ubax Male soo saari doontaa manka, halka ubaxyadii dumar ah waxay leeyihiin "ee maxalka" a ah ee miro la wayneeyo. Ubax Female la cadeyn karo ay joogaan labo qaybaha dhafoorka ee pistil ee dhexda laga soo, halka ubaxyadii oo lab ah oo ah joogitaanka of 8 stamens in meel qiyaastii pistil ah. Natiijooyinka abuurka beerto Tree marar badan ku koraan noqon geed lab ah, sidaas daraadeed waxa la soo jeediyay in aanu beeran badan oo miraha si aad u hesho shakhsiyaadka qaba Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia ragga iyo dumarka kala duwan.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Ka dib markii cudurku soo socdaa waalidka hablaha ee

Ka dib markii cudurku soo socdaa waalidka hablaha ee 12-15 maalmood, ukunta gacamo galay piyikan. Marka marxaladdan, labada waalid daryeeli Toko online murah terbaik di Indonesia iyo carruurtooda quudiyo. Sidoo kale waqtigan, labada waalid ay wada shaqayn doonaan sidii looga saari lahaa wasakhda buulkeedii, sidaas tahay in carruurtu ay u dareemaan raaxo leh oo ka hortagi karin buul ee dulin ama bakteeriyada.
Shimbir Wren yaqaan in ay helaan caafimaad ee caruurtooda. Tani waxay caddayn daraasaadka kaas oo shimbiraha noocan ah waxa kale oo badbaadin haashka in buulkeedii, si looga hortago galay dulin ah buulka ka ay soo galo (loo celin halkan ka akhriyi kartaa).Dheddigga taranta ayaa la incubating ukunta (midig) oo tirada celceliska ukunta ahayd 7 ukunta
Waalidka Female ahaa incubating ukunta (midig), taas oo ka dhigan tahay in 4-7 badar.Muqisho Journey laga bilaabo da'da 10 maalmood da'da 15 maalmood
The horumarinta Wren chicks laga bilaabo da'da 7 maalmood ilaa 14 maalmood. Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya-
Da'da 16-22 maalmood ka dib, oo haaddii hawada bilaabaan inay ka baxdo buulka ka ah, inkasta oo aan awoodin inay ka naftooda quudiyaan. Laakiin dhawr maalmood ka dib, caadi ahaan da'da 25 maalmood, waxay hore u noqon kara madax banaan oo laga soocay labada waalid.
Wren wingko yaqaano inay si aad ah wax soo saar leh. Qiyaastii 1 week ka dib markii ay carruur ka madax banaan, waalidka dumar ah mar kale Hiilweyne doonaa. Laakiin xaaladda dhabta ah taranta jirka bilaabeen inay wiiqi. Sidaa darteed, waxa uu ku badan yahay lagu talinayaa in la kala sooci labada hayste 1-2 maalmood, hase ahaatee waxay weli u keenay meela aad u dhow.
Taasi waa marka labada waalid u baahan tahay in la siiyo dheeri ah si loo soo celiyo xaaladaha tubuhnys, iyo sidoo kale in ay meningkarkan bacriminta iyo hatchability. Supplement in aad isticmaali karto, iyo kuwo kale BirdMature. Muddo intiisa kale 1-2 maalin loogu talagalay waalidka labadaba waxaa loo isticmaali karaa nadiifinta baqashada taranta, sanduuqyada ah buulka ka. Wax buulka ka Old waa in la tuuraa iyo bedelay wax a buulka ka cusub.
Ka dib markii uu xaalad mar kale soo hagaagtay. Shimbiraha in dib loo wada gelin kara in qafis taranta ah. Sababta oo ah inta lagu guda jiro inta ka ha
Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 dhay shimbiraha wada dhow yihiin, waxa aanu u baahan-socodka dib-u-qabiirada. Todobaad ka dib markii wada tabeelaha, sida caadiga ah hooyada mar kale ukunta dul saari doonaan. Oo sidaas daraaddeed on.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Anonymous. , 1977. Guidelines for Unit Hirgelinta Mashruuca

Anonymous. , 1977. Guidelines for Unit Hirgelinta Mashruuca at Beeraha Coconut Wasaaradda Beeraha, Agaasinka Guud ee dalagyada Estate, Jakarta.
dalagyada ka leexsan

Obat pembesar Penis Vimax    Fangas taranta Metarhizium Dabcan sp for Palm Weevil Control
Nooca Cincau ee Indonesia
Dalagga iyo Processing Tubaakada Dadka DIY
Plant amaba tallabadii (Morinda citrifolia L)
Orbicularis miyeyna
Beeraha ee miyeyna farsamo
Harvest iyo Postharvest Dalag Kina
Orbicularis Quinine
Beeraha Kina farsamo
Technical Budiaya Plant Pala
Harvest iyo Post Harvest Coffee Plant
Ground Diyaargarowga beerto Coffee
Gooyaa In Coffee Plant
Farsamada iyo Beeraha Coffee
Seed Coconut Selection
Control of Plant, Cayayaanka iyo Cudurrada Pala
Plant faafinta Nutmeg (sp Myristica.)
Noocyada kala duwan ee uu rimmanaa, geedo
Cycle Life of rimmanaa
Harvest iyo Post Harvest Tubaakada (tabacum Nicotiana)
Cayayaanka iyo Xakamaynta Cudurada ee Tubaakada (tabacum Nicotiana)
Beeraha ee Tubaakada (tabacum Nicotiana)
Plant Tubaakada amaba
Land Haboonaanta Analysis for Plant Oil (Review of Suugaanta)

Jadwal Bolabeerashada

Digirta iyo Beeraha (vulgaris Phaseolus)
Faafinta cagaarku Orchids
Caruuta Wild Ginger (xanthorrhiza Curcuma)
Farsamada iyo Beeraha tamaandho
Rhapis abuur isku dhufasho (Raphis excelsa)
Beeraha kaabash
Jambu Bol Simojang
Spinach iyo Beeraha (aqbaleen Amaranthus)
Beerashada Caleyhi Deli Green Water leh Systems Tabulampot
Dalagga iyo Processing Tubaakada Dadka DIY
Wanaajinta tayada Seed Tubaakada
Orbicularis miyeyna
Beeraha ee miyeyna farsamo
Harvest iyo Postharvest Dalag Kina
Orbicularis Quinine
Beeraha Kina farsamo
Technical Budiaya Plant Pala
Harvest iyo Post Harvest Coffee Plant
Ground Diyaargarowga beerto Coffee
Gooyaa In Coffee Plant
Farsamada iyo Beeraha Coffee
Seed Coconut Selection
Plant Medier Red Betel (crocatum Piper)
Plant gooyn Red Betel (crocatum Piper)

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Fertilizer for coffee cultivation

Fertilizer for coffee cultivation could use organic fertilizers or artificial fertilizers. Organic fertilizers can be obtained from materials around the garden like the remnants of forage from tree protector or skin stripping the rest of the coffee fruit and then made into compost. Fertilizer for each plant needs about 20 kg and was given about 1-2 years. JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAHow to provide fertilizer to make holes around the fertilizer plant. Then enter into the compost the manure pit. Artificial fertilizers can be mixed into the compost. For acidic soils with a pH below 4.5 the provision of fertilizer mixed with half a kilogram of lime. Pemerian lime done 2-4 years.
To enrich organic matter plantations can be planted with ground cover plants. Plant commonly used as a ground cover in coffee cultivation among bunguk (Mucuna munanease) and kakacangan (Arachis pintol). Plants serve as a protective ground cover and soil fertility, besides the hijauannya can be used as a source of organic fertilizer.c. Trimming the tree
There are two types of pruning in the cultivation of coffee, which is a single trunked trimming and pruning double trunked. Pruning a single trunked more suitable for the type of coffee plant that has many secondary branches such as arabica. Double pruning applied diperkebunan more people who grow robusta. Pruning is more appropriate to the plantations in lowland areas and wet.
By design, pruning in coffee cultivation is divided into three kinds:

Pemengkasan establishment, aims to establish a framework of plants such as canopy shape, plant height and type of branching.
Production cuts, aiming to cut the branches that are not productive or old branches. This is done so that the branches grow crops more productive focus. Moreover, this is also to cast trimming branches affected by the disease or pest.
Rejuvenation pruning, made in plants that h Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesiaave experienced a decline in production, the results kuranng of 400 kg / ha / year or canopy shape which has been irregular. Prune after fertilization to maintain the availability of nutrients.
d. Weeding
Coffee plants should be kept clean of weeds, especially when plants are young. Perform weeding every two weeks, and clean the existing weeds under the tree canopy coffee. When the plants are large enough, which is beyond the control of weeds coffee plant canopy can utilize cover crops. Weeding is done on mature plants only when necessary.Pests and diseases
Cultivation of coffee pests and diseases will decrease productivity, quality coffee quality and even plant death. Some common pests and diseases which attack the coffee plant are as follows:

Coffee fruit borer. Striking young and old pla
SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAnts. As a result of the attack the fruit will fall or abnormal development of the fruit and rot. Can control these pests is to improve field sanitation, respiratory shade trees, harvesting the fruit is attacked, and chemical spraying.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Pruning can be done 2 times the 3-week-old plants

Pruning can be done 2 times the 3-week-old plants when shoots can grow so wide. While pruning is done when the next step on the plant age 6 weeks by removing the old and the new branches grow, as well as broken branches and dried leaves.

Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014Manure is applied in conjunction with tillage dose of 10-15 tonnes / ha, while NPK fertilizer was applied after the plants grow 20 grams per plant.
Fruit wrappingIn order to protect the fruit of bitter melon fruit fly, fruit should use a thin plastic wrap, newsprint, or black plastic. Wrapping process can be done since the fruit is still small.
Pests and diseasesRarely, pests and diseases in plants pare. However there are some pests that are often found in plants pare:• javelin or oteng-oteng which often attacks the leaves of bitter melon. Step pest control is done by using pesticides.• Snails sometimes also attack plants at night. To control usually given insecticide.• Fruit flies sometimes also attacks the fruit, so the quality is low or become rotten. Control measures can be done by wrapping the fruit with plastic or newspaper.• dew feather disease also frequently found, the cause is a fungus Pseudoperonospora Cubenesis. This fungus attacks cause yellow spots on the leaves. If the onslaught can usually make the plants die. Control measures can be done through the application of fungicides.
HarvestThe first harvest can be done after 2 months of planting. Pare delicious for consumption is not too old and groove right along with the nodule-bintilnya wrinkles still seems a bit tight. Pare long Gajib suitable types consumed approximately 25-30 cm, w
Gudang303 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014hile the green pare of 15-20 cm. Pare fruit picking is done by cutting the fruit at the top of the wrapper using scissors or a knife. Try as bitter melon fruit accumulate so that not too much, because it is easy to pare abrasions that affect quality. So also when transporting fruit containers do not try to cause a lot of hard shocks.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Parent males and females can be

Parent males and females can be distinguished clearly . In males there is a straight blue line , while in females the blue line crooked . spawning neon tetra can be done in pairs in a small aquarium with a male female ratio of 1 : 1 . parent can agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya be paired when it is ready to spawn .
When paired , the parent is not fed to keep the water clean . Although not recommended , to the spawning aquarium water plants can be given as a substrate . However , the condition of the aquatic plants must be clean . Therefore, the fish will eat the eggs , the aquarium should be placed in well-lit or dark places so that the parent can not see the eggs . Usually these fish spawning takes place at night or late afternoon .

Cardinal Tetra ( Paracheirodon Axelrodi ) is a freshwater fish of the family Characin ( family Characidae ) of order Characiformes . These fish are native to the upper Orinoco river and the Rio Negro river in South America .
Growing a total length of approximately 3 cm ( 1.25 in) , the cardinal tetra has the characteristic blue line with the striking colorful red line at the bottom of its front flippers until keekor . Cardinal Tetra fish common name , refers to the bright red color that is reminiscent of the robe of a cardinal . While his last name was given to Latin German ichthyologist Dr . Herbert R. Axelrod as an honor .
Cardinal tetra glance look very similar to its cousin the neon tetra , many people are confused distinguish it , but if we are more clear again . It is easy to distinguish between the neon tetra cardinal tetra . red neon tetra is only about half the length of the nose to the half of the body and the color blue on the blue line it looked less vibrant . Paracheirodon Axelrodi also often called the red neon tetra .Cardinal Tetra is a very popular aquarium fish , but less popular than the neon tetra because until now , it is difficult to have been domesticated in captivity . However , many farmers have started producing these fish at this time . Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Uang Asli Indonesia Typically , ornamental fish hobbyists prefer to buy farmed fish , but some ichthyologists ( fish expert ) believes that the Brazilian ornamental fish hobbyists should continue to support sustainable fisheries cardinal tetra from the Amazon basin to choose wild-caught fish ( WC ) , because there are thousands of people working in the area for fishing and traded for ornamental fish hobbyists worldwide . If the fishermen have lost their livelihoods in the Cardinal Tetra fish and other tropical fish , there is great potential that they will be involved in deforestation to meet their needs .